One of the flagship pedals of the range! The Ground Control Audio Noodles is a totally unique boost on the market. Indeed, not only is it made by caribou who know how to weld very well, but in addition, it offers completely new functions. Which, as we will see, makes it a totally essential effect pedal for any self-respecting guitarist!
Externally, it's really too "kawaii", the case is superb and it's as beautiful outside as inside. High quality PCB, soldering (of the same caribou) at the top, selected components. It's made to last and it's fun on a pedalboard. As for the controls: 3 independent channels with 3 respective volumes and 3 frequency ranges per slice. You understood, Noodles is not only a boost, but also a parametric EQ. Besides, it's not a clean boost or a treble boost or a mid boost. It is an "all boost" which allows you to combine each slice, to adjust the frequencies and their level by mixing them as you wish. With 64 different configurations, you can hardly do better in terms of flexibility and usefulness!
Connected to a nice clean channel of the Two-Rock type, we immediately note the very low level of noise / breath released by the pedal. The signal is 100% analog and the controls 100% digital. The EQ section is active, so interactions are immediately noticeable.
By activating all the slices, you obviously get a frequency boost at all levels, but also a very nice color specific to the Noodles. Indeed, this one adds a nice harmonic content, a slight natural compression very musical and a je ne sais quoi of body and dynamics in addition. It's beautiful, it's fun, it sounds extremely good. Everything sounds better after the Noodles! Note, we have +35db of reserve on each slice which is huge.
As far as frequencies are concerned, they break down as follows:
Bass I: 40Hz
Bass II: 100Hz
Bass III:250Hz
Mids I: 250Hz - 500Hz
Mids II: 400Hz - 1KHz
Mids III: 1KHz - 1.8KHz
Treb I: 1.8KHz
Treb II: 3.2KHz
Treb III: 6KHz
You are free to mix what you want to boost as you see fit.
In conclusion, the Ground Control Audio Noodles is a one-of-a-kind pedal. It allows you to literally magnify and correct your sound according to your needs. Its musicality is impressive and this makes the Noodles a must have of the genre.

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