This one, we've been waiting for it for a long time! Several years to be precise. The Diamond Memory Lane Deluxe is the big brother of the excellent Memory Lane Jr. It uses the same base while adding new functions. It becomes, de facto, the successor of the mythical Memory Lane 2, delay which has established itself as one of the best references of its kind in its time, this, until the end of its production.
Externally, the brand has chosen to adopt a compact size case and to house a nice little row of buttons. The chassis is finished to perfection, the metallic paint is of the most beautiful effect and the buttons are of high quality. Inside, it's Diamond, that is to say the top, with Millimeter PCB and premium components (Panasonic caps, 0.5% resistors etc...)
At the level of the controls, there is a Delay button for the delay time. Feedback for the number of repetitions. An EQ, a modulation section (Speed and Depth) and a global Mix.
The Diamond Memory Lane Deluxe bases its circuit on purely analog technologies, supported by digital. Using the same variable sample rate concept used in BBD-like modulations and adding specific anti-aliasing and analog reconstruction filters, it can capture the essence of the highly sought-after original Memory Lane in a much more compact, while extending the frequency response and using a traditional 9VDC power supply. The only digital part is a digital sampling engine which has the function of copying, delaying and reproducing the signal without any mathematical manipulation - and unlike standard audio codecs, there are not even any digital filters or reconstruction. Everything else is analog and that's what defines the ML-DLX's unique sonic signature.
With the ML-DX you benefit from 1200ms of delay, a tap tempo with sub-divisions (quarter note, dotted 8th and triplet), a fully adjustable modulation section, a Kill Dry and a mode True Bypass / Trail (optional).
Compared to the old Memory Lane Jr, you now benefit from a real configurable modulation, where the Jr was fixed. You also have the appearance of a Tilt EQ placed after the feedback loop. This allows you to act directly on the echo and how it will sound in the mix. We also go from 600 to 1200ms and we get more rhythmic subdivisions than before in addition to a configurable tap tempo.
Let's talk a bit about sound. Here, we are really on the high-end Bucket Brigade type. It's very vintage oriented, with a warm, very dense, slightly dirty delay, with a very specific high end. Don't look for highs in front here, we are on a soft but very present high end, which degrades as it goes, adding the right amount of noise and mixing all the parameters to perfection. The modulation is magnificent, it fits perfectly with the delay which degrades very nicely. Your dry signal is mixed in parallel with the processed signal, so you retain all of the original dynamics and character of your base sound. Clean sound, distorted sound, anything goes. You can use it before the pre-amp or in the effect ball (parallel) thanks to the Killdry. The Memory Lane Deluxe has a sonic signature truly its own, with great complexity and density in every seldom-seen repetition. Put two in parallel on a stereo system and you're king of the world!
The Diamond Memory Lane Deluxe is a premium delay that sounds like no other. It incorporates all the features that today's guitarists need and benefits from a unique sound signature. One of the references of the genre which takes up in a very beautiful way the heritage of the mythical Memory Lane II.

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