Nordvang Custom exclusively at Guitars Rebellion

Nordvang Custom Guitars Rebellion

Sometimes, often, it happens that we find the rare pearl. Not through a manufacturer that produces thousands of pedals per month, but not through one and the same person. This is the case of Henrik Nordvang, whom we wanted to support and help from the launch of his brand, soberly titled, Nordvang Custom.

Henrik is a former member of Bang & Olufsen where he spent 3 years in their research and development department. Nordvang was born from the desire of a man to live from his passion by offering ultra successful, high-end products, in line with the musical and audiophile requirements acquired during the 10 years he spent working in the industry. of Hi-Fi.

Nordvang is what you might call - a one man operation - because everything is done by one and the same person from design to shipping. At Nordvang, quality is uncompromising. The components are the best on the market and the workmanship is on the same level. Here, we do not resonate quantity, volume, margin, to fix the selling price. We put on the extra, and the rest follows. If you're looking for exceptional pedals, you've come to the right place.

We are the exclusive representatives of these magnificent pedals.

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